New Adobe Commerce 2.4.4

Magento Commerce 2.4.4 Release

The new Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 is being prepared, this version includes more code improvements, integrations and new compatibilities. This release includes almost 250 quality fixes and enhancements.

The main reasons to update are the security and performance improvements. You’ll have the possibility to integrate with Adobe Live Search using Adobe Sensei, which is great!

Performance improviments

The main performance improvements are coming from the new base softwares, below is the softwares that have been tested.

  • Composer 2.1.6
  • Elasticsearch 7.16.1
  • MariaDB 10.4.14
  • MySQL 8.0.22
  • OpenSearch 1.1
  • PHP 8.1
  • Redis 6.0.12
  • Varnish 6.5.1

Adobe Commerce performance enhancements boost high throughput order processing and message queue optimization. The asynchronous orders feature introduced in this release supports the creation of approximately 60,000 orders/hour. Earlier versions of Adobe Commerce supported the processing of approximately 10,000 orders/hour, but the new multiple consumers’ feature supports scaling the number of message queue consumers on a single Cloud instance and increases the number of orders processed per hour.

Cart inventory check

The new “Enable Inventory Check On Cart Load” configuration option provides a switchable inventory check when loading a product in the cart. It is enabled by default. When you disable this option, Adobe Commerce skips the inventory check as the quote loads, which speeds up checkout, especially for carts containing many items.

Checkout performance

There are 3 main checkout enhancements included in Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 that will make a good difference.

  1. Cart operations for carts containing over 750 configurable products have been improved by increasing the max_input_vars.
  2. Optimization of sales rules processing during checkout by deferring total calculation. Merchants can enable this deferment by setting the checkout/deferred_total_calculating variable in the env.php file. Alternatively, you can run bin/magento setup:config:set --deferred-total-calculating 1.
  3. New improvements to the order validation process for orders affected by a cart price rule during asynchronous order placement.

Great news for merchants with larger-scale needs – especially ahead of the festive rush – the new (and optional) asynchronous order processing configuration to the Adobe Commerce checkout can support those with higher traffic. Once set up, as your customer proceeds through to their purchase, instead of completing every function that needs to happen in one go, this configuration only completes the ones absolutely necessary for the order to be placed – speeding up the time it takes for the transaction to ‘complete’ for your customers. The remaining required functions are then completed post-transaction. 

This feature is an excellent option for merchants with high traffic, particularly during busy periods, or those releasing limited-edition or high-demand products – helping reduce the load on your servers even when lots of customers are trying to check out at the same time. 

Platform enhancements to developers

We have many platform improvements, but the main ones are these listed below.

  • Composer packages updated to PHP 8.0
  • RequireJS updated to 2.3.6
  • PHP Unit updated to 9.5
  • Support to TinyMCE 5

JS libraries updated

  • Chart.js
  • moment.js
  • moment-timezone-with-data.js
  • matchMedia.js
  • underscore.js
  • PrototypeJS

JS libraries removed

  • es6-collections.js
  • MutationObserver.js
  • Modernizr
  • FormData.js

Upgrading Magento

If you didn’t upgrade your Magento 2.3 to Magento 2.4, I recommend reading my previous article talking about it called Do you need to upgrade from Magento 2.3 to 2.4?

To check detailed technical information about what are the fixes in each component you can visit the official release notes of Magento 2.4.4.

About me

Picture of Rafael Corrêa Gomes

Rafael Corrêa Gomes

Senior e-commerce developer and architect based in Montreal, Canada. More than ten years of experience developing e-commerces, saas products and managing teams working with Magento, Shopify, PHP, JavaScript, and NodeJS.