We’re going to have a new release launched on August 10, 2021. The Adobe Commerce 2.4.3. It introduces enhancements to performance and security plus significant platform improvements.
The main security enhancements are the expansion of reCAPTCHA coverage and the inclusion of built-in rate limiting. The ElasticSearch 7.10 is now supported, and the core composer dependencies and 3º party libraries were upgraded to support PHP 8.
- 370 new fixes to core code
- 33 security enhancements
- All known issues identified in Magento 2.4.2 have been fixed in this release.
If you can’t upgrade right now, you must at least install one of the security patch versions the Adobe Commerce 2.4.2-p2 or Adobe Commerce 2.3.7-p1. For general information about security-only patches, see the Magento DevBlog post Introducing the New Security-only Patch Release.
PayPal Pay Later
This feature allows shoppers to pay for an order in bi-weekly installments, instead of paying the full amount at the time of purchase.

Rate limiting is now built-in
With this new feature, we will be able to restrict the size or number of resources requested by a user. The feature will allow us to prevent a high usage of the server or a possible DDOS attack differently.
ReCAPTCHA coverage
- The web APIs that have HTML pages are covered by the ReCAPTCHA module, which means that you have more SPAM preventions on your website.
- ReCAPTCHA protection for the Place Order storefront page and payment-related web APIs is disabled by default and can be enabled from the Admin Panel.

Using Magento 2.4.3 you might be able to utilize the lasted improvements from Magento B2B v1.3.2. The main highlights are:
- Automated emails to expired and soon-to-expire negotiable quotes.
- Company users can now edit and update customer custom attribute values.
- Administrators with restricted accounts that include only website-level privileges can now create a company that uses a different currency than the website.
Amazon Pay
The Amazon Pay integration was deprecated and it will be removed in a later Magento 2.4.x release. Magento 2.4.3 and higher will contain only updates for compatibility and fixes for major bugs.
Upgrade today!
Don’t wait a long time to upgrade your Adobe Commerce / Magento Commerce, contact me today! 😉